2013 Leaderboard
Dave Gregoire $30 +13 Steve Vogler -1
John Acampora $10 +8 Paul Barry -3
Mike Passcucci $25 +7 Dan Vogler -3
Jeremy Ladd +6 Bruce Blay -4
Bill Sasser $10 +6 Tom Kaled -5
Fran Incrovato +4 Brendon Beaulieau -6
Mike Tate $35 +4 Tom O'Toole -8
Al Paris +3 Sean O'Connell -8
Brian Beaulieu $35 +3 Pete Lincoln -8
Rick Hunt $25 +4 Reggie Riley -13
Gary Barefoot +2 Bob Beliveau -15
Scott Murray +1 Bryan Hunt ??
Steve Casey +1 Rich Paris ??
?? - Someone forgot to hand in a scorecard on Saturday

Day 1

Day 2

Closest to the Pin   $25

2 Pete Lincoln 11' 5" 2 Dave Gregoire 13' 8"
5 Paull Barry Draw 4 Dave Gregoire 16' 6"
6 Dave Gregoire 29' 11.5" 6 Brendon Beaulieu 21' 5"
8 Steve Vogler 31' 10" 7 Dan Vogler 12' 2"
10 Mike Passcucci 19' 3" 12 Jeremy Ladd 13' 8.5"
11 Mike Tate 27' 3" 14 Dan Vogler 15' 4"
13 John Acampora 3' 3" 15 Tom O'Toole 8' 6"
17 Dave Gregoire 23' 5" 17 Mike Passcucci 8' 9"
Blind Draw   $10 Blind Draw   $10
John Acampora Dave Gregoire
Brian Beaulieu Fran Incrovato
Tom Kaled Jeremy Ladd
Scott Murray Scott Murray
 Low Net $5 (-9) Low Net $5 (-13)
Jeremy Ladd Pete Lincoln
Dave Gregoire Fran Incrovato
Bill Sasser Reggie Riley
Sean O'Connell Al Paris
Pete Lincoln Dave Gregoire
Rick Hunt Steve Casey
Mike Passcucci Dan Vogler
Steve Casey